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질식섹스 도대체 뭐냐

오늘 조선일보에 'MC 크리스천 딕비, 혼자 '질식 섹스' 즐기다 숨져   라는 사망기사로서는 다소 섹시한 제목의 기사가 실리면서 질식섹스에 관심이 쏠리고 있습니다

영어로는 erotic asphyxiation 으로 표현된다는데 asphyxiophilia, autoerotic asphyxia, hypoxyphilia, breath control play 라는 단어와 같은 뜻이라고 합니다

영영사전을 찾아보니 '성적 쾌락을 위해 의도적으로 뇌에 산소공급을 차단하는 행위'라고 기재돼 있었습니다

심리학자들은 '죽거나 중상을 입을 수 있는 행위'이므로 정신병의 범주에 포함시킨다고 합니다

이런 이상한 행동을 즐기다 죽은 사람이 제법 있다고 하는데 기사에도 나오는 데이빗 캐러딘등이 있으며 이미 18세기에도
그런 사례가 발견됐다고 합니다

  • David Carradine, actor, (2009) Lumpini police found him curled up inside a closet with one end of a shoelace tied around his penis and the other end fastened around his neck. [26]
  • Frantisek Kotzwara, composer, died from erotic asphyxiation in 1791, which is probably the first recorded case.
  • Sada Abe killed her lover, Kichizo Ishida, through erotic asphyxiation in 1936, proceeding to cut off his testicles and carry them in her handbag for a number of days. The case caused a sensation in 1930s Japan and has remained one of the most famous Japanese murder cases of all time.
  • Albert Dekker, stage and screen actor, was found in 1968 with his body graffitized and a noose around his neck in his bathroom.
  • Vaughn Bodé, artist, died from this cause in 1975.
  • Stephen Milligan, a British Conservative MP for Eastleigh, died from autoerotic asphyxiation combined with self-bondage in 1994.[27]
  • Kevin Gilbert, a songwriter, musician, composer, producer and collaborator, died of apparent autoerotic asphyxiation in 1996.[28]
  • Michael Hutchence, lead singer of INXS, may have died from autoerotic asphyxiation in 1997, although suicide was the official cause of death.[29][dubious ]
  • Kristian Etchells, British National Front party member, in 2005.[30]
  • 목숨과 맞바꿀 정도의 극도의 성적 쾌락을 즐기다 결국 목숨과 맞바꾼 사건들입니다
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