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개트윅[GATWICK] 어떤 공항이길래 - '외교적 투자'논란 [기사 원문]

국민연금공단이 영국 런던 제2공항인 개트윅공항의 지분 12%를 인수했습니다
영국 파이낸셜 타임스가 '좀 위험한 투자 아니냐' '국민연금은 정부의 2중대냐'
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South Korea NPS / Gatwick

Published: February 2 2010 14:58 | Last updated: February 2 2010 18:43

South Korea is on a mission to raise its international profile. Last month, the country signed its first nuclear export deal, worth $20bn, with the United Arab Emirates. The state-run Korea National Oil Corp has lined up $6.5bn for overseas acquisitions. Now the National Pension Service has said it will spend up to £100m to increase its stake in London’s Gatwick airport to 12 per cent from 1.3. In the year that South Korea sits as president of the Group of 20, Seoul seems determined to prove its global credentials.

In isolation, the Gatwick investment seems risky for a fund used to holding three-quarters of its $240bn portfolio in fixed income and only a 10th abroad. Last year, passenger numbers at London’s second airport fell 5 per cent and the single runway leaves the airport inherently constrained – for now.

The whole process, though, stokes suspicions that the NPS is acting as an instrument of South Korean foreign policy. Chairman Jun Kwang-woo, a friend of the president, Lee Myung-bak, replies that, while there may be overlap, his investment decisions are independent. Still, it is ironic that the NPS has cited British regulatory certainty as one reason for its investment given that it was UK regulators who ordered Spain’s Ferrovial to break up the British Airport Authority, so dismantling the original 2006 acquisition. It’s not just in South Korea that the line between business and politics is blurred.

조선일보전재 연합뉴스 기사 http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2010/02/04/2010020400187.html
개트윅공항 위키피디아 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Gatwick_Airport