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모사드, 암살작전 직전 MI6에 영국여권사용 통보

네타야후 이스라엘 총리가 하마스 고위간부 암살작전과 관련, 직접 모사드 본부를 방문해 승인한 것으로 알려진 가운데
모사드가 영국 첩보기관 MI6에 암살작전 실행직전 영국인의 여권이 작전에 사용될 것임을 통보했다고 영국 언론이


On Friday, the British government also took issue with a report in another newspaper, The Daily Mail, which claimed that the British intelligence service MI6 had been informed before the assassination that British passports would be used in a Mossad operation. According to The Mail’s report, which also relied on anonymous sources, an unnamed “British security source” said “a serving member of Israeli intelligence” had told him that “the British Government was told very, very briefly before the operation what was going to happen. There was no British involvement and they didn’t know the name of the target. But they were told these people were traveling on UK passports.”