일본지진의 경제적 파장-미국 원전과 지진영향예측-후쿠시마원전 기술적 쟁점등 CRS보고서 원문
“Japan’s 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami- Economic Effects and Implications for the United States_” March 25_ 2011.
“Nuclear Power Plant Sites- Maps of Seismic Hazards and Population Centers_” March 29_ 2011.
“The Japanese Nuclear Incident- Technical Aspects_” March 31_ 2011.
“Japan’s 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami- Economic Effects and Implications for the United States_” March 25_ 2011.
“Nuclear Power Plant Sites- Maps of Seismic Hazards and Population Centers_” March 29_ 2011.
“The Japanese Nuclear Incident- Technical Aspects_” March 31_ 2011.