LG, 인디애나주서 G2스마트폰 2만2천5백개 트럭째 도난-24일 오후 6시30분
If you find someone trying to sell you a cheap LG G2 sometime soon, you may want to think twice before purchasing the shiny new smartphone. A truck containing 22,500 brand spanking new Sprint LG G2 units was stolen in Indiana yesterday, on its way to Louisville, KY. Sprint was set to launch the device early next month, but may be having a tough time with the release now.
At 6:30 PM yesterday evening, the truck was stolen from a truck stop when the driver left to go on a bathroom break. After relieving himself, the unwitting driver found his truck MIA.
Although the FBI and other authorities have been contacted, the truck has still not been found.
LG placed the volume and power buttons on the back of the G2, which may cause the thieves some confusion when trying to power on the devices.