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FDA, '코로나19치료제 과장판매' 3개제약회사에 경고서한

Today, the FDA and FTC issued warning letters to three companies for selling fraudulent products with claims to prevent, treat, mitigate, diagnose or cure COVID-19. One of the companies warned, Halosense Inc., sells salt therapy products with misleading claims that the products are safe and/or effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. Another company warned, Bioactive C60/FullerLifeC60 LLC, sells an unapproved and unauthorized product, “FullerLifeC60,” with misleading claims that it can build up immunity to help treat or prevent COVID-19 in people. The third company warned, JRB Enterprise Group Inc. DBA Anti Aging Bed, offers colloidal silver products for sale in the U.S. with misleading claims the products are safe and/or effective for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. With these warning letters, the FDA is exercising its authority to protect consumers from companies selling unapproved products and making false or misleading claims during the COVID-19 pandemic.

중략 https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-daily-roundup-march-31-2020


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Daily Roundup March 31, 2020

Coronavirus Update: Daily Roundup
