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한국화생방부대 사령관등 10명, 20 지원사령부방문 화생방교육 : 2011년 12월 3일-10일 ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – Ten Republic of South Korea Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense Command soldiers converged on Aberdeen Proving Ground’s Edgewood Area for an open exchange ideas and expertise with their American counterparts during a visit to the 20th Support Command headquarters, Dec. 3 – 10. 원본출처 http://www.dvidshub.net/news/81305/south-korean-cbrn-soldiers-visit-20th-.. 더보기
미육군 20지원사령부는 화생방핵폭발물 방어부대 - 지난 2월 키리졸브훈련도 참가 The 20th Support Command (CBRNE—Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives), also called CBRNE Command, was activated 16 Oct. 2004, by U.S. Army Forces Command to provide specialized CBRNE response in support of military operations and civil authorities. The U.S. Army Forces analyzed threats facing the US in both domestic and international contexts, and argued for the need to rea.. 더보기
충격- 쿠웨이트, 살인범 3명 주차장서 공개교수형뒤 사진공개 - '마지막으로 담배 한대만!!' Trio of murderers hanged in Kuwaiti car park are country’s first executions in 6 years The three men — a Pakistani, a Saudi and a stateless man — were found guilty in separate crimes. The Gulf-Arab state does not typically carry out executions publicly, but publishes images afterward to use as a deterrent.Comments (19) By Lee Moran / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, April 2, 2013, 7:16 AM 원본출처 http:.. 더보기