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북한관련 백악관 브리핑[원문] - 미사일탐지 레이더함 북한인근해역에 배치 백악관 - 북한 전쟁상황선언불구, 대규모 병력이동등 징후 없어, CBS, CNN등 - 미사일탐지 구축함[최신레이더함] 북한인근해역에 배치 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney, 4/1/2013 James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:53 P.M. EDT MR. CARNEY: Hello, everyone. It’s very good to see you. Thanks for taking care of Josh in my absence last week. Before I take your questions, I want to say a couple of things. One, and perhaps most importantly, I apo.. 더보기
미국 미사일구축함 피츠제럴드호 북한인근해역에 배치 : 일본복귀않고 서해상 대기 The United States has positioned near North Korea a destroyer capable of shooting down missiles in the latest military move amid a showdown with the communist state, an official said Monday. 원본출처 http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/01/u-s-sends-anti-missile-destroyer-near-north-korean-coast/ The USS Fitzgerald, which had sailed to South Korea as part of recent exercises, has been sent off the sou.. 더보기
'미관리, 중국 인민해방군 북한 국경지대로 이동' - Washington Free Beacon보도 China has placed military forces on heightened alert in the northeastern part of the country as tensions mount on the Korean peninsula following recent threats by Pyongyang to attack, U.S. officials said. 원본출처 http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/01/china-mobilizing-troops-jets-near-n-korean-border/ Reports from the region reveal the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) recently increased i.. 더보기