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'박정희 비밀계좌 영국에 있다 -갈라 먹자 25%줄께' 2009년 외국인[?] 박정희이용 사기 -에고에고

'박정희 비밀계좌 영국에 있다 -갈라 먹자 50%줄께' 2009년 외국인[?] 박정희이용 사기 -에고에고'박정희 비밀계좌 영국에 있다 -갈라 먹자 50%줄께' 2009년 외국인[?] 박정희이용 사기 -에고에고

'박정희 비밀계좌 영국에 있다 -갈라 먹자' 2009년 외국인[?] 박정희이용 사기 -에고에고

2012/11/29 - [분류 전체보기] - bbk검사 최재경 문자메시지 분석보고서[원문]-시간대별 문자내역 : 검찰의 쌩얼

원문 소재지 http://www.fraudwatchers.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33761

Ms Janis Kong/RBS Bank/Park Chung Hee Died Long Ago

from Janis <janisk@localhost.localdomain>
to rentey@gmail.com
date Tue, Aug 25, 2009
subject TO YOU

Notice From RBS Bank.

My name is Ms. Janis Kong, I work in the Corporate and Investment Banking Division here in the UK. I am presently in charge of the government investment in the Bank. I came to know about you in my private search for a reliable person/ company to handle a confidential transaction on behalf of Colleagues and myself.

During some time ago I was given the authority or mandate by my bank to undertake some investment portfolio. Because of this my bank was given government cash injection. I was also asked to use the dormant accounts to sponsor some of the investments because some of the accounts have been dormant with a lot of fund, on further investigation I discovered that some of these accounts were used to siphon fund out of the country by government personals for self enrichment by the present and past Presidents of South Korea.

I found out that one particular account belong to the former president of South Korea MR PARK CHUNG HEE, who ruled south Koreans from 1963-1979 and thi! s particular account has a deposit in stocks and bonds.

The past president hid the fund while he was still in office. The account Owner the former president of South Korean has died long time ago, leaving the fund behind and nobody is claiming it and this particular account is to my knowledge alone. The fund that is in the depositin stocks and bonds and this is what I would like to transfer to you for our mutual benefit. Also your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successful execution of this transaction.

The sharing ratio is this, for your assistance you take 25%, 25% for taxes and 50% for ma and my officials in the bank. Please send reply to indicate your willingness in assisting me and I will direct you on what next to do. Include your direct telephone and Fax numbers for prompt and easy verbal communication, as you acknowledge the receipt of this letter. Your reply will be appreciated.

Thank you for your anticipated assistance.

Reply to:janisk.rbs@gmail.com

Ms. Janis Kong


2012/10/10 - [대통령 후보] - [미의회가 밝힌 박정희정권 스위스계좌 4] 박종규 스위스계좌는 BAGEFI - 박동선 계좌내역서에 19만달러 송금기록 정확히 드러나 : 박동선 계좌내역서 첨부

2012/10/09 - [대통령 후보] - [미의회가 밝힌 박정희정권 스위스계좌 3] 박종규도 스위스 비자금계좌 별도관리 - 19만달러 예금인출선 서명은 '진' : 류재신-박동선 의회증언록등

2012/10/07 - [대통령 후보] - [미의회가 밝힌 박정희정권 스위스계좌 2]걸프사,박정희방미자금 20만달러 스위스비밀계좌에 입금-UBS계좌번호는 626,965.60D: 스위스UBS입금전표,걸프사진술서등 첨부

2012/10/03 - [대통령 후보] - [미의회가 밝힌 박정희정권 스위스계좌 1]'박정희자금 이후락이 스위스계좌에 예치- 김성곤이 육영수에게 돈 상납' : 이게 프레이저보고서 원문

2012/11/28 - [분류 전체보기] - 이게 전두환-전재용 비자금사건 판결문 3심-그들은 어떻게 돈을 숨겼나? 2004도7232

2012/11/27 - [분류 전체보기] - 이게 전두환-전재용 비자금사건 판결문원문 2심-그들은 어떻게 돈을 숨겼나? 2004노2154

2012/11/26 - [분류 전체보기] - 이게 전두환-전재용 비자금사건 판결문원문 1심-그들은 어떻게 돈을 숨겼나? 2004고합195


RBS, 미국 SEC 보고서류중 일부 [하단]