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관제탑 있으나 마나 - 테네시국제공항, 경비행기 추락사고 6시간동안 몰라 Deadly Tennessee plane crash undiscovered for 6 hours at busy airport The pilot from a Canadian flying club was killed after he tried to land in thick fog at Nashville International Airport. The NTSB will investigate why it took so long for the airport to notice the burning wreckage. By Doyle Murphy / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 9:40 AM 3 11 0 원본출처 http://www.nydailynews.com.. 더보기
조승희이어 이번엔 아시아나 -아시아나사고 조롱 할로윈의상 등장 -섬씽롱등 조종사 조롱 문구 새겨 버지니아 총기난사사건의 범인 조승희의 사진이 총기규제TV광고에 등장한데 이어 아시아나항공 샌프란시스코 충돌사고를 조롱하는 할로윈의상이 출시돼 논란을 빚고 있습니다 Halloween partygoers are under fire for their tasteless Asiana Airlines flight 214 crash costumes. The revelers have sparked outrage with outfits that appear to make fun of the July crash in San Francisco. Three girls were killed in the incident, which injured 100 others. RELATED: JULIANNE HOUGH'S BLACKFAC.. 더보기
러시아, G-20정상회담 도청:USB드라이브와 충전기이용 해킹 러시아, 지난달 세인페테르스버그에서 열린 G20 정상회담당시 각국 대표단에게 트로얀목마 해킹툴이 심어진 USB 드라이브와 휴대폰충전기를 담은 구디백 전달통해 해킹시도 They’re spies like us! Crafty Russian operatives gave goodie bags to world powers at the G-20 summit with USB drives and phone chargers — but they were “Trojan Horses” designed to download info and send it back to the motherland. The cloak-and-dagger spy game played out at last month’s conference in St. .. 더보기