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래리 킹 오늘밤 은퇴선언 cnn larry king live 진행자 은퇴선언

CNN 래리킹 라이브 진행자 LARRY KING 이 잠시뒤인 6월 29일 오후 9시[미동부시간]
CNN LARRY KING LIVE 시간에 은퇴를 선언한다고 합니다
래리 킹은 오늘밤 은퇴를 선언하고 올 가을 프로그램을 마감하지만 CNN에 계속 남을 계획입니다
래리 킹은 지난 25년간 래리 킹 라이브를 진행해 왔습니다

Just as CNN redefined the news business, Larry King defined the art of the television interview. His candor, curiosity and compassion are legendary, and his ability to interview people from all walks of life--world leaders, celebrities and everyday people--has made him an icon. Having conducted nearly 50,000 interviews over 50-plus years in broadcasting, Larry deserves to take some time for himself and his family. After 25 years at CNN, he will conclude Larry King Live on his own terms, sometime this fall. We are proud and grateful that Larry will continue the next chapter of his storied career at CNN and will host several specials over the coming years.

Larry King has asked that I share with you a message to his audience that will be broadcast tonight at the top of his show. After 25 years, Larry has decided to take a step back from the nightly grind. He wants to take some time for himself and his family. So he will end his run with Larry King Live on his own terms, sometime this fall.

He is not leaving CNN. Larry is a beloved member of the CNN family and he will continue to contribute to our air with periodic specials.

Larry has been a giant in the industry for as long as most of us can remember. Anyone who ever mattered has sat for an interview on Larry's iconic set. They all know the man it is our privilege to call our colleague and friend--tireless and curious, respectful and inquisitive, caring, generous, influential, a citizen of the world.

We will celebrate his tenure in proper fashion over the coming months. Today is about Larry and about the beginning of a new chapter. It is not about good-bye.