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한국가스공사[KOGAS], 11억달러투자 캐나다 3개 천연가스광구 공동개발

한국가스공사가 캐나다의 에너지회사 엔카나와 천연가스 공동탐사및 개발협정을 체결했습니다

한국가스공사는 앞으로 5년간 11억달러를 투자해 캐나다 밴쿠버북쪽의 천연가스 광구 3곳을 공동탐사하고
이를 개발 활용하게 된다고 캐나다측 합작사인 엔카나사가 확인했습니다

2017년부터 40년간 매년 백10만톤 생산 - 결국 40년간 4천4백만톤 - 한국가스공사는 2천2백만톤 지분



South Korea's KOGAS to invest $1.1 billion in Canada gas fields

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea's KOGAS <036460.KS> has signed an agreement to jointly explore and develop natural gas fields in Canada with Canadian energy firm EnCana Corp , the firm said on Sunday, confirming earlier media report. KOGAS and EnCana will jointly explore and develop three natural gas fields located in northeastern part of British Columbia, and KOGAS will invest $1.1 billion over next five years.

South Korea's state-run Korea Gas has won a $1.1-billion deal to jointly develop natural gas fields in Canada with a Canadian gas firm

Encana, a news report said on Sunday.

Korea Gas has acquired a combined 50-percent stake in three Encana oil fields in northeast British Columbia under the deal, Yonhap news agency said.

Korea Gas will invest $1.1 billion to build gas exploration and production facilities in the fields, expecting to produce 1.1 million tons of natural gas every year for 40 years from 2017, it said.

South Korea annually consumes around 25 million tons of natural gas.

South Korea is the world's fifth largest crude importer. It has no proven oil or gas reserves on its own territory.
