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미국방부 FY 2010 예산 1223 조항 : 우방국 군수물자수송에 대한 보상

Modification of authority for reimbursement of certain coalition nations
for support provided to United States military operations
(sec. 1223)

The House bill contained a provision (sec. 1213) that would authorize
the Secretary of Defense to reimburse any key cooperating
nation for logistical and military support provided by that nation
to or in connection with U.S military operations in Operation Iraqi
Freedom (OIF) or Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), also known
as Coalition Support Fund reimbursements. Total reimbursements
under this authority during fiscal year 2010 are limited to $1.6 billion.
The Senate amendment contained a similar provision (sec.
1205) that would extend through fiscal year 2010 the authority provided
in section 1233 of the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110–181; 122 Stat. 393) for the Secretary
of Defense to pay Coalition Support Fund reimbursements.
In addition, this provision would modify section 1233 of Public Law
110–181 to allow funds under that section to be used to provide key
cooperating nations with specialized training and supplies, or to
loan them specialized equipment. The provision in the Senate
amendment would also limit reimbursements under this authority
during fiscal year 2010 to $1.6 billion.
The House recedes with clarifying and technical amendments.
Prior to making any reimbursement to Pakistan in fiscal year
2010 under the authority provided in this section, the conferees direct
the Secretary of Defense, with the concurrence of the Secretary
of State, to make a determination based on reasonably available information
as to whether such reimbursement is consistent with the
national security interest of the United States and will not adversely
impact the balance of power in the region. The conferees direct
the Secretary to include any such determination in the relevant
quarterly report to Congress required under this section.