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미,1969년 전술핵무기 사용 검토 2 - 비밀해제문서 원문 보기 2-3

National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 53, Subject: Korean Contingency Planning, April 26, 1969

Memorandum, Secretary of Defense Laird to Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Kissinger, May 2, 1969, in re attached memorandum CJCS Wheeler to Laird, May 2, 1969, Subject: Contingency Plans for Strikes on North Korea.

Memorandum, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) Wheeler to Secretary of Defense Laird, May 15, 1969, Subject: TALOS Contingency Plan (FRACTURE PINE)

Memorandum CJCS Wheeler to Secretary of Defense Laird, May 21, 1969; Subject: Contingency Plan for North Korea

Memorandum, Secretary of Defense Laird to NSA Kissinger, May 23, 1969 in re contingency plan involved a more limited number of B-52s.