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f-35b 동체균열 테스트중단 - 워싱턴포스트지보도 오늘

F-35 Marine model stress-testing halted after cracks discovered




2013/01/13 - [분류 전체보기] - F-35B 동체균열 테스트중단 - F35A도 균열 보수 : 미국방부 의회보고서 원문

2013/01/13 - [분류 전체보기] - 박근혜, 공약이행 어렵다는 정부판단 돌아봐야 - '팥으로 메주 쑤라는 격' :조선일보 사설

2011/03/16 - [분류 전체보기] - F-35 미국방부 월별 평가보고서 [2007-2009 월별보고서] -일부내용삭제

2011/03/15 - [분류 전체보기] - F35 청문회 - 국방부및 공군 해병 해병대 보고서 원문 20110315

2011/03/15 - [분류 전체보기] - GAO, 'F-35, 심각한 개발차질' - JSF보고서 원문 20110315

2011/03/10 - [분류 전체보기] - F-35 스텔스 테스트결과 - 2010년 12월 1일까지


Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Durability testing on the most complicated version of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 was halted last month after “multiple” cracks were discovered in the fighter jet, according to the Pentagon’s testing office.

The previously undisclosed halt in high-stress ground testing involves the F-35B, the Marine Corp’s version that must withstand short takeoffs and landings on carriers and amphibious warfare vessels, according to an annual report on the F-35 that Defense Department testing chief Michael Gilmore sent to Congress yesterday. Flight testing wasn’t affected.

Development of the F-35, the Pentagon’s costliest weapons system, has been marked by delays and cost increases. The Pentagon estimates the total cost for development and production of 2,443 F-35s will be $395.7 billion, a 70 percent increase since the initial contract with Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed Martin was signed in 2001.

Durability testing is intended to stress an airframe, assessing its capability to achieve a projected aircraft lifetime of 8,000 “equivalent flight hours.”

Testing for the Marine short-takeoff-and-vertical landing version was progressing this year until last month’s halt “after multiple new cracks were found in a bulkhead flange” on the fuselage’s underside during an inspection after the equivalent of 7,000 hours of testing, according to the report to Congress. The cracks were confined to that area.

Testing of the F-35B model had been restarted in January 2012 after a 16-month delay caused by the discovery, analysis and repair of a previous crack in the plane’s bulkhead. All three models of the F-35 are required to go through ground testing to the equivalent of 16,000 hours of flight.

Seeking Cause

Analysis of the crack continues to find its root cause, plan corrective actions and determine whether the cracks had been predicted in modeling, according to the report.

Joe DellaVedova, a spokesman for the Pentagon’s F-35 program, didn’t respond to e-mail and phone requests for comment on the report

Michael Rein, a spokesman for Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense contractor, said in an e-mail today that “we discovered a crack at 7,000 hours” and “ stopped structural testing at that point, identified the causes” and “the changes needed.” The ground-test aircraft is checked every 1,000 hours, he said.

“We have implemented the fixes” and “expect to resume static testing shortly, as early as late next week,” Rein said.

“This had no impact on flight testing and this is normal engineering development and test work,” he said. “This is why we do structural testing in the first place.”

Still, the test results “highlight the risks and costs” of the Pentagon’s F-35 concurrent-development strategy that produces aircraft while they’re still being developed, Gilmore said. The aircraft have two more years of structural testing that may result in more “discoveries,” he said.

Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, said last year the dual-track approach was “acquisition malpractice.”